【2021中考英语真题】2021年江苏省扬州市初中学业水平考试 您所在的位置:网站首页 ig英语真题 goodread book festival 【2021中考英语真题】2021年江苏省扬州市初中学业水平考试


2024-06-30 11:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

38. Which sentence should go in the empty box in Paragraph 3?

A. He ran as fast as possible to save Paula.

B.His mother turned around at the same time.

C. The woman in pink was nowhere to be seen.

D. Other hikers were scared by the terrible shout.

39. Which of the following isTRUEaccording to the passage?

A. Grant had no difficulty in reaching Paula.

B. Simon and Grant's mother joined in saving Paula.

C. Paula and her husband were both badly wounded and saved.

D. Grant asked Paula questions to keep her mind off the pain.

40. The underlined word "they" in Paragraph 7 refers to(指的是)

A. first rescuers

B. Paula and Grant

C. Grant and his mother

D. Paula and her husband

41. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. How a woman fell 75 feet from a mountain cliff.

B. How a young man tried his best to save a stranger.

C. How a woman managed to survive a terrible accident.

D. How a young man made a decision in face of danger.


Ever wondered why your virtual(虚拟的)home helper doesn't understand your questions? Or why your navigation app took you on the side street instead of the highway? In a study published April 2lst in the journal iScience, Italian researchers, Arianna Pipitone and Antonio Chella, designed a robot that "thinks out loud".

To explore how inner speech might influence a robot's actions, the researchers built a robot called Pepper that speaks to itself. It has the ability to reason and think. They then asked people to set the dinner table with Pepper according to etiquette(礼仪)rules. In one experiment, the user asked Pepper to lay the napkin at the wrong place, going against the rules. Pepper started asking itself a series of self-directed questions and concluded that the user might be mistaken. To be sure, Pepper confirmed the user's order, which led to further inner speech.

"Ehm, this situation troubles me. I would never break the rules, butI can't make the user unhappy, so I'm doing what he wants, "Pepper said to itself, laying the napkin where it was required to be. Through Pepper's inner voice, the user can learn Pepper was facing a difficult situation and solved it byprioritizingthe user's order.

Comparing Pepper's actions with and without inner speech, Pipitone and Chella discovered the robot had a higher task-completion rate when having self-dialogue.

However, some people find the robot spends more time completing tasks when it talks to itself. The robot's inner speech is also limited to the knowledge that researchers gave it. Pepper's designers still say their work provides a framework(构架)to further explore how self-dialogue can help robots focus, plan, and learn. "In some ways, we are creating a generational(世代的)robot that likes to chat. From navigation apps and the camera on your phone to medical robots in the operation rooms, machines and computers alike can take advantage of this chatty feature, "says Chella.

42. Why does the writer ask two questions at the very beginning of the passage?

A. To draw the reader's attention to the topic.

B. To show the writer likes electronic products.

C. To tell the reader about the history of robots.

D. To prove the writer often faces trouble in life.

43. Why was Pepper asked to lay the napkin at the wrong place?

A. To see how much time Pepper spent laying the napkin.

B. To confirm how popular Pepper was among its users.

C. To test how many etiquette rules Pepper remembered.

D. To study how self-dialogue might influence Pepper's actions.

44. What does the underlined word"prioritizing"in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. repeating

B. dealing with . . first

C. going against

D. complaining about

45. What can we infer from the passage?

A. The designers are proud of their work about Pepper.

B. Pepper has already been in use in the operation rooms.

C. Pepper's inner speech depends on its user's communication skills.

D. With or without inner speech, Pepper could complete a task equally well.

四、词汇运用(共 10 小题;每小题1分, 计10 分)

根据句子意思, 用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。在答题卡标有题号的横线上, 写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)

46. My parents and I had a ____▲____ journey to Hainan. (wonder)

47. The wallpaper with cartoon patterns is ideal for my ___▲___room. (son).

48. The next morning he got up ___▲___ than before to practise football. (early) .

49. For a long time in history, people depended ____▲____ on horses to trade goods. (great)

50. Zhang Ruoxu, Tang Dynasty poet, is widely ______▲____for his poem A Moonlit Night on the Spring River. (know)

51. Jack enjoys ____▲____ and sunbathing with his friends. (游泳)

52. I promised Li Ming I would keep the secret to ____▲___. (我自己)

53. So far, China has built nearly 600, 000 cultural centers in ___▲___. (村庄)

54. I'm not sure how I feel about that, with my ___▲___ birthday coming. (第十八)

55. There is a low brick wall____▲_____ the garden and the field beyond. (在…之间)

五、任务型阅读(共10 空; 每空1分, 计 10 分)

阅读下面短文, 根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。在答题卡标有题号的横线上, 写出空缺处所填单词的正确形式。(每空一词)

Reading is fun! You can also analyze texts(文本)to learn more from the texts and about the texts. One way you can do this with fiction books, passages, or poems is by exploring their themes.

A theme is a central idea running throughout the text, connecting the characters and events. The writer may express hisor her thoughts about humanity or a worldview through a theme, Themes can be ideas like friendship, bravery, love, honesty or family. Make sure you know what the writer is saying.

Sometimes, themes are hard to find out. First, the theme may not be able to be included in just one word like the examples above. There may also be more than one theme in the text. What's more, some themes are not presented in the words directly. You have to use clues in the texts to find them.

To start exploring the theme, first you need to make sure you've read the whole text. Since themes develop over time, you can't fully understand the underlying themes until the end of the text. Then, ask yourself to sum up(概括)the text and try to work out a "big idea". For example, did many characters resolve problems with their families? If there was only one small problem with a character's family, then "family" might not be the theme of the text. Finally, after finding out a "big idea, "go through the text to find examples that support this idea. You needn't repeat every detail of the story— a few key examples will be fine。

Now you are ready to explore the theme of a text!






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